Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about Midwest Garage Door Company and the products and services we offer. Just click the plus button next to the question to see the answer.

FAQs/Safety Garage Doors and Openers FAQs

Awnings, Shades & Solar Screens

If I don't have enough room under my soffit, where can I mount an awning?

You can mount an awning on your roof if you don't have enough room below. The majority of retractable awnings are roof mounted and it is one of the best ways to mount the units.

Will my roof leak if I choose to install a roof mount awning system?

No, when roof mount systems are properly installed, a triple seal system is used to insure that your roof won't leak.

Do I have to take the awning down in inclement weather?

No, our retractable awnings are designed to remain outside year round. We do recommend that you remove the valance and store it, as it is the only part that is unprotected from the winter wind.

Will storms and high wind damage my awning if I leave it extended?

Yes, if your awning is extended during high winds and storms, it will most likely get damaged. That is why we recommend a motorized unit with a wind sensor to automatically retract the awning if the wind gets to a level that will damage the unit.

Can an awning, shade or solar screen keep the inside of my home cooler?

Yes, an awning can actually reduce indoor temperatures by 10 to 15 degrees. By shading your home and reducing the inside temperature, an awning can save you money on energy bills.

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